Using a RSS Feed for your Blog

RSS Feed for your Blog

Several business owners often go through their website design often noticing a feature known as RSS feeds. While they know several bits about marketing both online and offline, the RSS feed is one of the most disregarded features of anyone’s website. While you may not be able to utilize RSS feeds to directly sell products to potential consumers, these feeds could play a crucial role in the success of your business. Really Simple Syndication feeds can give your blog or news updates the exposure that you need to take your simple brand awareness and consumer interaction to the next level.

When you build a website using any platform, your RSS feeds are normally automatically created. But do you know what to even do with them? While they often only look like a textual representation and preview of the content on your websites, these feeds are often accepted by a majority of websites that offer any sort of updates to news and happenings in nearly any industry. Websites such as Google, Yahoo! and Bing offer several utilities that allow you to publish and promote your blog RSS feeds, which can give you additional organic exposure through various parts of their websites.

Additionally, there are several websites that are simply aggregators of RSS feeds. While it may not seem like these types of websites are mainstream, millions of users subscribe to RSS feeds on a daily basis. These sites provide several useful bits of information, that can be put at the user’s fingertips simply through RSS readers that are available on all web browsers. With the click of a mouse, someone could be reading your latest blog post. There’s no need to update an RSS feed manually, as this process is almost always automated.

If you haven’t launched your website yet, then we wouldn’t say you need to get on your RSS feed right away. However, if you have an established site that you regularly post news and updates on through a blog, you’ll need to make sure that your RSS feeds are up and running to create the most impact and exposure to writings that are unique to the products and industry that you’re targeting.

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