Google Search Console Setup & Management
Monitor Your Websites Organic Traffic with Google Search Console
Every webmaster wants insight into how their website performs. To be successful with internet marketing, in-depth information, and the ability to use that information to grow is crucial. Since most website traffic from search engines comes from Google, it’s ideal that you use tools that inform you how your website is doing in search. Google Search Console gives you insight into your site speed on a page-by-page level, which helps you narrow down the issue to help you resolve these potential problems before they become unmanageable.
Monitor Your Website Speed and Performance with Google Search Console
A high volume of organic traffic from Google is the ultimate goal of the search engine, simply because about 90% of organic traffic is usually considered new visitors who have never even heard of your brand. With Google Search Console, you can monitor an estimated volume of impressions generated on Google’s search engine results pages by your website and click-through rates for specific keywords. This data is often useful in determining problem areas and areas that you may want to consider paid advertising for, depending on how important it is for you to rank.

Submit your Website Sitemap to Google Search Console
Submitting your Sitemap will help Google better index your website pages. By building out a detailed sitemap of all your website pages Google can easily spider your site for search results.
Within the Google Search Console, there is a section to manually submit your HTML and XML Sitemaps for search indexing. If you have not submitted your website with Google Search Console this is something we recommend all website owners do.
Monitoring and Managing Website Growth with Google Search Console
Several years ago, Google announced that it was going to factor site speed into its organic rankings algorithm. While it doesn’t play a significant role, a slow site is often a poor user experience, leading to high bounce rates on your website. If you have every page of your site cache, you’ll never know that the site is running slow.