Pinterest Marketing Tips: Get your Business on Pinterest

Pinterest Marketing Tips

When Pinterest first started in 2010 many brands were skeptical of yet another social media site and no one expected it to grow as quickly as it did. Today, Pinterest boasts over 70 million users and 42 percent of online women are Pinterest users. Its incredible surge in popularity is due to its focus on visuals and its inspirational/aspirational aspect. It has also become popular among retailers as well as 69 percent of online consumers that visit Pinterest find something on the site that they have either purchased or want to purchase. Even with the growth in users, Pinterest still offers an excellent opportunity to build brand awareness and sales. So how do you use Pinterest as a marketing tool?

Create Pinterest-worthy Images

  • Use multiple, dominant colors – of course, make sure the colors don’t clash with each other.
  • Avoid human faces – people go to Pinterest to find inspiration and imagine themselves in that remote location or wearing those clothes. They don’t want to see someone else living out those dreams.
  • Don’t clutter the background – You want people’s eyes to immediately hone in on your product so you want to keep the rest of the image free of distractions.
  • Choose red, orange and brown over blue – These colors outperform blue nearly 2:1 in repins.
  • Make your images tall – data suggests that pins with heights of 800 pixels get pinned nearly 3 times as much as those that are 400 pixels.

Use Inspiring Titles for Your Boards

You absolutely need different boards to showcase all of your items, but you need to figure out the best way to organize and name them. The first step is to understand people use Pinterest to be inspired. So instead of simply tilting your boards after the type of product (i.e. jeans, sweaters, etc.) have a theme for each board. Boards named “Date Night Outfits” or “Fall Trends” are more likely to attract people due to their specificity. If you’re having problems thinking of names, visit some of your competitor’s boards and check out their naming conventions. You might not need to copy the title outright but it should get you started on some ideas of your own.

Engage Your Audience

Spend some time every day finding new Pinterest users and engaging with them through re-pinning or commenting. While you should certainly reach out to influencers with a lot of followers, it’s also a good idea to connect with ordinary pinners. After all, they are the ones that will be more likely to become your brand ambassadors online and offline.

Another great way to engage is to run contests. Choose an appropriate hashtag and encourage people to post images with that pin. It’s a great way to gain new followers and it will generate new content for you as well.

Schedule Your Pins

As with all social networks, there are certain times where it has more activity. For Pinterest, that time is from 2-4pm and 8pm-1am. Of course, you shouldn’t spam Pinterest with hundreds of images during that time spam as frequency does, in fact, matter. Excessive pinning can annoy your followers enough that they will unfollow. Instead, spread your pins out throughout the week with a scheduling tool. This frees up your time as you don’t need to constantly log into Pinterest to post and it prevents the issue of over-pinning.

Get Pinning

The longer you wait to get started on Pinterest, the more potential customers your brand will miss out on. As with all social networks, it will take time, experimentation and analysis to really pinpoint what exactly works for you.

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