Web Design Blog


Google Gives the Public an Inside View

In 1982, Walt Disney released a Si-Fi movie starring Jeff Bridges. The movie is called “Tron” and the plot entailed a computer programmer who is physically transported into a mainframe ...
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Final Web Design Commercial

See one of the original commercials from Final Web Design. If you enjoy this video see more on our video blog today. If you are interested in learning more about ...
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Ambitious New Website Seeks to Teach Art to the Masses

The internet has certainly proven itself to be a fantastic conduit for showcasing diverse cultures and delivering every conceivable type of entertainment. Thanks to great platforms ranging from Netflix to ...
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Firefox 16 Supports More HTML5

Firefox– friendly- web developers are celebrating the long-awaited official imprimatur from Mozilla Firefox 16’s browser support encompassing much of its HTML5 platform. Embedded with far fewer changes than the previous ...
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CyberLink: Free Test Drives of PhotoDirector

CyberLink, best known for its popular video editing tools found in PowerDVD and PowerDirector, is making a strong showing with the introduction of its new photo editing software, Photo Director2011. ...
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The Eyeborg

When he was nine years old, Toronto film-maker Rob Spence received a severe injury to his right eye in a shotgun accident. After a period ...
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Prospective Website Sales Call

Prospective Website Sales Call

Here is a live “Prospective Website Sales Call” for a potential client operating several grow operations around California. This is the first time we have ...
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Boeing Dreamliner

Boeing Dreamliner Delivered to First Customer After three years of costly setbacks and scary failed test flights, the Boeing 787 Dreamliner finally made its debut ...
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Netflix: Clears Legel Hurdles

Netflix has announced the introduction of a new app allowing customers to opt-in on a sharing history of viewed videos through Facebook. The amended law, ...
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Drupal: Overview

An overview video on Drupal and several of the features the CMS offers. Drupal has established itself as one of the most popular CMS platforms available. ...
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WordPress: Adding a Blog to Your Website

Originally released as a blogging platform WordPress has become the most popular CMS platform available. The ability to turn your website into a powerful blogging ...
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