Building out Professional Google Ads Campaigns

Google Ads

Have you experimented with the Google Ads advertising system? Have you struggled to gain results or measure the results of your advertising campaigns? Below are some simple tips and techniques to help you build out a professional Google Ads campaign.

Campaign Structure:

Building out a professional Google Ads campaign starts with the organization of your campaigns. Organizing your Ads account in a clean and manageable layout is vital to the success of a campaign. Not only does structure make setting up and managing your campaigns easier, but it also allows you to easily grow and edit your campaigns. Start with broad keyword themes at your campaign level and then break them down into your services and/or products at your Ad Group level. Establishing your campaigns with good structure will save your time and energy as you continue to grow and build out your Ads campaigns

Account; Campaigns; Ad Groups; Keywords / Ads

Ad Text

Ads ad text need a clear call to action and relevant message. Make sure that your business is utilizing the small ad space that is available with a strong message and relevant use of keywords. Using relevant text within your ads will improve your ‘quality score’ which will increase your positioning and lower your average cost-per-click. An important strategy is to use the search keyword within the ad text, this will highlight the keyword and make the ad more prominent.

Google Ads


Find the right keywords! You know your market, make sure you are utilizing the right keywords that turn searchers into business. Use a combination of negative and long-tail keywords to most effectively reach searchers who are looking for your product or services. As you continue to get data back from your campaigns drop ‘low volume’ or ‘non-converting’ keywords to improve your campaign’s overall performance.


Analytics & Reporting:

Google is a system of marketing that is based on performance. Google wants to make sure that the marketing on its network matches the desired results of its users. Your campaigns will automatically generate data and analytics that will help you improve your campaign’s performance.

In conclusion there are many different techniques to improve your advertising campaigns on Google AdWords. With consistent analysis and tweaking of campaigns, you will learn with time what effectively works for your business and your market. Don’t underestimate the power of advertising on Google Ads platform, take the time and learn the system. If you need help or want Final Web Design to help manage your AdWords account contact us at (888) 674-7779 today!

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