Web Design Blog

Website Sale Meeting

This video highlights a recent “Website Sale Meeting” with a client. This proposal was sent a few weeks prior and was our second meeting to discuss the new customized website ...
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The Website Sales Funnel

In this video I want to discuss how your website can act as a sales funnel so you are receiving and converting as many leads as possible. Driving new traffic ...
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Google Ads Long Commercial – Final Web Design, Inc.

Google Ads Long Commercial – Final Web Design, Inc. This is the long commercial for our Google Ads advertising system. There are many choices when it comes to eCommerce development. ...
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Massive Tech Layoffs

In this video, I wanted to discuss the recent “Massive Tech Layoffs” that are happening. These layoffs are affecting some of the largest tech companies including Twitter, Meta and more. ...
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Importance of Keeping Your Customers Happy

One of the most important aspects of growing your business is to make sure you keep all old clients and customers happy. Many times developers and web firms do not ...
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Top Ways to Secure Your Website’s Domain

If you’re considering launching a site, you’ve probably spent several hours trying to decide what you’re going to do about picking a domain name. In ...
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Professional Website Development

Are you looking for a professional web design and inbound marketing firm? Final Web Design, Inc is your local professional web development, online marketing and search engine optimization ...
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Benefits of Working Remote

This “Benefits of Working Remote” video will cover some of the primary benefits and difficulties of working in web design with a remote position. More ...
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HTML: Part 6 – Tables

This is an HTML Tutorial on Tables and their use in HTML. Learn how to build your own HTML Tables in this tutorial video. If ...
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Coding Imposter Syndrome

Imposter syndrome is a common phenomenon among coders and professionals in many fields. It’s the feeling of doubting your  coding skills, accomplishments, and fearing being ...
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YouTube: Business Page Overview

There are numerous video-sharing sites online; however; YouTube is the most utilized video-sharing website on the internet today. Potentially, there are hundreds of billions of ...
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