
Websites that sell products or take payments are considered to be eCommerce. eCommerce is a way to sell products and take payments through a website which deposits the funds into your bank account. Building an eCommerce website is a great way to sell your products and services online.


What are the Best Platforms to Build an eCommerce Website

There are multiple eCommerce web platforms to consider when developing an online store. Depending on your product, business and market there are going to be different features to consider when deciding which platform you’ll want to use for your store. Take into consideration the pros and cons each platform offers before beginning the development of […]

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Shopping Online: Products Matter

Today’s media companies are realizing the importance of going beyond the content distribution business in order to survive. Interestingly, many tech companies are morphing into product driven media companies out of necessity. Today’s content- centric companies are investing heavily in product development and internet technology. Content companies are quickly realizing that the shift in strategies

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Facebook Fans Go Bonkers Over Bango

In a concerted effort to fold more monetizing opportunities into the social networking experience, Facebook is targeting smartphone users with an easier way to conduct online transactions. As it continues to introduce additional revenue streams to the social networking behemoth, Facebook has just announced the introduction of Bango, a leading mobile web payments platform that

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Mobile Payment Pros & Cons

Mobile payment devices offer merchants lower transactional costs, faster payment and improved sales analytics. As Mobile Payment Devices become more ubiquitous, merchants are embracing the new Touch-friendly Retail Technology. So what’s the downside? When Social Coupon behemoth Groupon recently announced to Wall Street the introduction of its new mobile payment device, the market responded with

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