Web Design Blog


Are You Being Monitored At Work

If you are the type of person that likes to check on your friend’s status on Facebook every five minutes, or even play games on your computer at work, then ...
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Added Security for Your Dropbox

Dropbox is a means that enables users to sync files between computer systems and gadgets. For portable devices, Dropbox provides cloud-based accessibility so you can carry your information just about ...
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Saudi Arabia Objections to Domain Names

It’s no secret that the flood of website domains has gotten to an extreme point of saturation, and it’s only natural that custom domain suffixes have now been opened up ...
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Mobile Pay War – Department Stores vs. Google

Google’s recent announcement of turning Google wallet into a mobile payment system came as a bit of a surprise not only to their competitors, but to eCommerce merchants as well. ...
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New Ways To Stay Updated On Politics

Since the early ages of communication, people have had their eyes glued to their TV’s on the day of any presidential election. With social media coming to the front of ...
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iPhone Dominates AT&T…Verizon, Not So Much

As much as the iPhone is highly available on Sprint and Verizon wireless, these two companies have a lot of their iPhone subscribers; however, ATT ...
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Insights on Internet Marketing

Most people and businesses who have a website have one main goal in mind…to attract new visitors and prospective customers. While the idea of many ...
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IslandStrawCompany.com – Sustainable and Eco-friendly Straws

Island Bamboo Straws are ethically sourced and harvested from the bamboo forests of Southern Asia. Our bamboo straws are organic, handmade, biodegradable, 100% natural, durable, ...
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Social Media Marketing: Overview

Social Media Marketing is one of the number one ways to generate new business, sales, and leads… Check out this quick Social Media Marketing overview ...
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SEO: Sitemaps

A sitemap provides search engines and visitors with a detailed map of your website pages. Creating a professional sitemap lets the search engine know where ...
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The Job Market Battle

LinkedIn is on the defensive as Facebook challenges the business social network’s superiority with its popular jobs platform. Facebook is leveraging its base of one ...
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