The iPad Vs Samsung Tablet lawsuit has certainly generated a lot of buzz around the internet community. Lovers of tablets from all sorts of manufacturers have had their weigh-in on what the decision should actually be. While it’s not truly in our place to decide who is right and who is wrong in this case, we do feel that there are several pros and cons to Apple winning its case. It’s easy to make a judgment call based on what’s right, but how the market is actually affected is what’s important to us as we seek out a faster evolution of technology than we’ve ever had before.
Pros of Allowing Samsung to Compete with Apple
Competition generates evolution, plain and simple. The only reason the iPhone has come along as fast as it has is because of what competitors have been able to bring to the market. This competition is going to be around for a long, long while, and people will continue to sit and wait with bated breath for the next release. The same thing holds true for the iPad, and competition would only make the technology better in lesser time.
Additionally, people want options in what they can buy. While iOS is extremely efficient and easy to use, not everyone likes it. The limitations when it comes to music and video have allowed Apple to dominate a market outside of the tablet, and people like the capability that the Samsung tablet has to give them the chance to run their media independently of Apple software.
Cons of Allowing Samsung to Compete with Apple
Samsung did a complete 180 on their phones when the iPhone was released, so the release of the Samsung tablet, whether you like it or not does come off as a bit of copying by Samsung. If the case were shut down, it would force Samsung to come up with a revolutionary mode of communication similar to the tablet, but not so close in resemblance. This could give Samsung a great opportunity if they played their cards right.
While Samsung might have a lot to lose in the race, it’s becoming increasingly clear that Apple could very well win its case. Samsung and their tablet may want to consider pulling themselves from this case to avoid serious losses in legal fees and any other damages that are incurred by a court order.