
A business page on Facebook can help grow your business outreach, customers and ultimately sales. Through quality information, content and data, you can connect with potentially millions of people interested in your product or service. Facebook offers a great digital outlet for your business to promote and engage with potential customers.


Instagram Alternatives: Photo Sharing Elsewhere

As of January 16, Instagram officially activated its new terms of service to the consternation of its disenfranchised members. As a result, photo buffs are abandoning ship faster than an exiting audience at a Jerry Lewis movie retrospective. The cause for the wholesale desertion was triggered by Instagram’s claim to having selling rights to everyone’s

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Facebook Fans Go Bonkers Over Bango

In a concerted effort to fold more monetizing opportunities into the social networking experience, Facebook is targeting smartphone users with an easier way to conduct online transactions. As it continues to introduce additional revenue streams to the social networking behemoth, Facebook has just announced the introduction of Bango, a leading mobile web payments platform that

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